



1: 名無しのスコールさん 2016/09/28(水) 22:11:52.73 ID:ID:inOlKS2F0.net
A GIRL who was days away from death after her weight plummeted to just
FIVE STONE has shared shocking pictures of her in the grip of anorexia in
a bid to inspire others to seek help.

Hannah Koestler, now 22, told how she wanted to show the “grim reality”
of the devastating illness by posting distressing photographs of her
skeletal body connected to a feeding tube online

Hannah, who is 5ft 11 and now a healthy size eight having recovered from
her anorexia, admitted at one stage she was living off three rice crackers
a day and was the dress size of a 10-year-old child.

Where a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) is between 18 and 24, Hannah dropped
to 11, meaning she was dangerously underweight.

She is now back up to a healthy BMI of 19 and hopes her journey will
encourage other sufferers to reach out.
She believes her anorexia was triggered by her family constantly being on
the move as a teen.
hile she was originally born in Austria, by the time she was a teenager she
had already lived in America, China, South Korea and Japan.


引用元: ・【画像】拒食症になるとここまで痩せる


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