


no title
1: 名無しダイエット 2019/05/21(火) 21:32:49.61 ID:9V97ErL60● BE:151915507-2BP(2000)
Celebrate British sandwich week with a trip back in time

For British Sandwich Week, Max is creating a special edition sandwich.
The cleverly monikered 'All the Decade'nce' sandwich stack is a trip down memory lane.
Comprised of five layers, the sandwich has been created to pay homage to each of the generations who love Branston Pickle.

So what's actually in it?

Each layer is dedicated to a different generation. First up we have the Baby Boomers.
Born between the late 1940s and the early 1960s, the boomers are a classic no-nonsense generation. They're our parents and grandparents, who prefer to eat a no-thrills treat without any faff.

トースト・サンドイッチ(英語: toast sandwich)は、バタートーストをスライスしたパンで挟み、塩とこしょうで味をつけたサンドイッチである。


 - ダイエット, 食品・飲料
